Rehabilitation Protocols

Bankart Rehabilitaion

Arthroscopic Anterior Stabilization/Bankart Repair Rehabilitation Protocol

Phase I – Weeks 1-3 (Maximal Protection):

1. Goals of this phase are to protect the repair and allow for early healing

2. Remain in sling at all times except for showers or when doing hand wrist and elbow range of motion

3. No shoulder range of motion

4. Keep incisions clean and dry Showers are OK with the arm at your side once the incisions are completely dry, but no baths or hot tubs

5. Active range of motion of hand, wrist and elbow

6. Ball squeezes

7. Cryotherapy (ice) as needed

Phase 3 - Weeks 4-6 (Protection Phase)

1. Continue sling through the end of week 6

2. Begin to gradually restore PROM of shoulder

3. External rotation limit of 30 degrees

4. Begin gentle active-assisted ROM

5. Table slides

6. Supine elevation

7. Pulleys

8. Wand exercises

9. No shoulder active ROM

Phase 3 - Active ROM (Weeks 7-8)

1. Begin Active ROM

2. Gradually increase external rotation

3. Begin isometrics of cuff, periscapular muscles, biceps, triceps and forearm and hand

4. Begin rotator cuff strengthening

5. No aggressive stretching or strengthening

6. Wean out of sling as tolerated

7. Wean from Sling

8. Begin to work on posterior capsular stretching

9. Continue cryotherapy

Phase 4 - Weeks 8 - 16 (Strengthening)

1. Progressive strengthening of cuff, periscapular, biceps, triceps and forearm

2. Progress to full functional activities

3. No aggressive anterior capsular stretching

4. Avoid activities that stress anterior capsule

5. Wide grip bench press

6. No military behind the neck 

7. Do not begin throwing, or overhead sports until cleared by surgeon

Phase 5 - Weeks 17 + (Return to Sports Activities)

1. In order to progress to this phase you must have NORMAL STRENGTH AND RANGE OF MOTION

2. May begin to work with interval throwing program IF cleared by surgeon

3. May begin golf

4. May start playing tennis but slowly work back to serving

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